Information regarding Legislative Decree 196/2003

As our visitors’ privacy is of maximum importance to us, the number and nature of data retained while navigating our site has been reduced to the minimum possible and every precaution has been taken to guarantee security.

Please note that the information provided herein applies solely to the site and does not extend to any other websites possibly consulted by the user through links present on same website.

In compliance with dispositions covered in legislative decree 196/2003, the Code regarding personal data protection, Claudio Taddei, as data controller, wishes to inform you of the following:

Aims of data processing

All personal data you provide will be used strictly in direct connection with use of the site or in following up requests submitted by you in forms, e-mails, comments or other means of communication included in the site

Means of processing

Processing is by means of electronic or hard copy forms in possession of the controller and his staff, taking all precautionary measures to guarantee security and confidentiality.

Personal data processed

In the regular course of navigation to our site the information systems used in the functioning of the site acquire personal data the transmission of which is connected with internet communications protocol (IP addresses, domain names of computers utilized by users accessing the site, the time the request was made, the method used to submit the request to the server, the dimensions of the file transmitted in reply, the code number indicating the state of the reply provided by the server, etc.) and other parameters regarding the user’s operating system and IT environment.

These data are used to the sole end of obtaining anonymous statistics regarding the use of the site and its correct functioning. Collected data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the case of hypothetical cyber-crimes perpetrated against the site.

Apart from the specifications regarding navigation data, the user is free to provide the personal data elicited in the contract forms on the site. Failure to do so could invalidate the request concerned.

The personal data provided by users compiling the contact forms are used solely to accede to the above-mentioned request. An email address provided as a form of contact implies its acquisition, necessary to reply to the formulated requests, together with the acquisition of any other personal data included in the missive. Any sensitive data sent with the contact module will be deleted.

Your personal data may be handled for the above-stated ends by our staff, who are specifically authorized as part of their professional duties; for these same ends the collected data may if necessary be communicated to third parties outside national borders.


This site uses “cookies”. Cookies are small portions of text files which are memorized on the user pc and which serve to render our website easier, safer, and more effective. The type used, “session cookies”, is not permanently memorized on the user pc and disappears when the browser is turned off. Please note that no profile systems such as the so-termed “persistent cookies” are used, nor any other systems for user-tracing.

The user may in any case programme their browser to use specific functions to reject or disable cookies. This may however vitiate the browsing and block some aspects of site functionality.

Interaction with social networks and external platforms

This site makes available to users some services provided by third parties, such as the links to social network services. In particular, this site presents social plugins for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+. Such plugins do not set a cookie, but, if this is already present on the visitor’s computer, they can read and utilize it according to its settings. The collection and usage of information by third parties are regulated by their respective privacy policies to which you should please refer.

Activating the Do Not Track option

The Do Not Track option is present in the majority of present-generation browsers. Websites programmed to respect this option should, on its activation, automatically cease to collect any browsing data. However, as already stated, not all sites are programmed to respect the option (discretionary).

Activating "anonymous navigation"

This function allows the user to navigate and leave no trace of data in the browser. Sites will retain no memory of visits, pages visited will not be memorized in the chronology, and new cookies will be deleted.
The “anonymous navigation” function cannot however guarantee internet anonymity but serves only to ensure navigation data are not maintained in the browser, but will remain available to website operators and connectivity providers.

Deleting cookies directly

All browsers provide specific functions to do this. Remember that new cookies are downloaded at each Internet connection, making periodic deletion advisable. Some browsers offer automatic systems to delete cookies periodically, e.g. on closing the browser.

For information on configuring your browser for all cookie use or otherwise, visit the following links:

Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Internet Explorer

Subjects’ rights

The subjects referred to in the personal data have the right at any moment to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of such data and to know their content and provenance; to verify the accuracy or request integration or updating, or the correction, cancellation, or conversion into anonymous form or the blocking of illegally processed data, or for legitimate reasons to oppose their retention in any case whatsoever, in accordance with article 7 and the provisions covered in article 9, Legislative Decree No. 196 of 30 June 2003. Requests can be informally submitted to the data controller.

Data controller and Data Processor

The data controller is Claudio Taddei in the capacity of owner of the site and is contactable for any privacy-related issue at uwekolln(‘at’ sign)