• Sulle tracce di Tristano.  Kafka and Flannery O'Connor by Claudio Taddei

    Sulle tracce di Tristano

    Da Kafka a Flannery O'Connor

    The book features the theme of marital love through the works of Franz Kafka, David H. Lawrence, Philip Roth, Flannery O'Connor and Jonathan Franzen.

  • Copertina libro "Questo mistero è grande"

    Questo mistero è grande [This mystery is great]

    Dai Karamazov a Franzen e Alice Munro [From the Karamazov to Franzen and Alice Munro]

    The theme (with variations) linking the otherwise distant works treated in the book is the marriage, or simply the union between a man and a woman. Therefore passion, anchorage, unhappiness, betrayal, resentment, pettiness, defeat, eros exalted, eros humiliated,…

  • La fiamma e la cenere [Flames and ashes] by Claudio Taddei

    La fiamma e la cenere [Flames and ashes]

    Da Goethe a Stephen King [From Goethe to Stephen King]

    The book ‘Flames and Ashes’ intimates a new way of dealing with the emotions and values to be experienced in great literature, from the novel Elective Affinities (also entitled Kindred by Choice) by Goethe, in which the author investigates charm and mystery…

  • Joseph Conrad by Claudio Taddei

    Joseph Conrad

    A rich and unusual work which explores the narrative world of a classic of world literature with both passion and precision. An immersion within the work of Conrad, a lucid and enigmatic voyage through the figurative situations that the collective imagination…